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Saturday 19 November 2011

Thing 21 - The CV Revisited..with a Kickstart from CPD23

Time to think critically about my CV..

That's the problem. It’s not really a CV as such and reads like a shopping list of job role competencies. Conscientious rather than ‘creative’. Diligent rather than dynamic.

How do I present my 'achievements'? Well, they are in there somewhere...but quite low-key.
I will enlarge the details and sift the pearls from the routine and mundane.

I’m updating my CV following CPD23’s top tips and have reflected on what drives and motivates me as a person in order to capitalise on my strengths.

I have written responses to the following questions -

What do you like to do?

Learning new technology and thinking critically about how to use it. Using my knowledge to assist novice internet/computer users.

Reading, researching and finding answers to enquiries. Sharing information which will answer a need and highlight alternatives.

Blogging and writing - privately and online. I enjoy reflective writing but I also like to engage with issues. For me, this means probing an issue and presenting an argument based on the known facts.

Team working and group projects. I’m a team player who likes to mediate and moderate where there is group conflict. I’ll stand up myself and my beliefs and I have encouraged others to do the same.

What do you dislike?

Not being as quick-witted and quick thinking as I would like. Feeling like I’m a slow learner who has not adapted to the pace of life. Feeling that however hard I work I will never work ‘smart’! 

Perfectionism. Of course we should always aim high, maintain high standards and strive for success. But can we strive for excellence rather than perfection? Perfection seems to be outside the reach of most fallible and flawed human beings.

Professional arrogance. Just because someone has a certain ‘title’, or letters after their name, it doesn’t mean they are the fount of all knowledge. We all bring our different life experiences to the table. This should inform our understanding of why certain people may think and act as they do. This doesn’t mean we make excuses for people or fail to offer constructive criticism. It just means we accept the validity of another’s viewpoint and experience.

When did you last get deep satisfaction from creating, building or completing something?

Just now. I’ve articulated clearly and coherently my thoughts on this topic.

What skills do you need to do the things you like?

Networking skills. Project management skills. Debating skills.

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